High School Sports
High school students may play sports on teams for their home schools. Students are responsible to ensure that they satisfy academic and physical requirements for sports eligibility, and to provide transportation to and from practices and games.
Middle School Sports
Middle School athletics are run through either Jubilee REACH or BSD.
- Badminton and Volleyball are led by International School teachers and information will come from the school about these two sports.
- Soccer, basketball, cross-country, and flag football are led by Jubilee Reach.
BSD Middle School Athletics and Activities
Jubilee REACH sport offering by season and open registration dates are located on the Jubilee REACH Middle School site.
- Due to a high level of student interest in middle school athletics, all Jubilee REACH Sports and Activities will perform registration through a Microsoft Form to gauge student interest.
- This form is only accessible through your students BSD email account.
- Parents: You are not able to register on your student’s behalf. It can only be done through your student’s BSD Outlook account.
- Jubilee coordinators then load all selected participants into the FinalForms roster for that sport.
- Important Note: While middle school sports will show as visible in FinalForms, registration for them takes place via Microsoft Forms.
- Athlete selection is by lottery when interest exceeds the maximum number of team participants.
- This form is only accessible through your students BSD email account.
- Students: Please express your interest when the registration period opens
- By completing the survey; Middle School Winter 1 2024 Sports Registration
- If you have any questions about Jubilee REACH Sports/Activities, please reach out to your school’s Site-Coach.
For new users and additional information please visit 2024 Middle School Registration.
Have a question?
Please contact the BSD Athletics and Activities information desk. Call (425) 456-4278.
Jeff Lowell ( or Russell White (
Club Jubilee Advisor: Trent Stauffer